Letter From The Executive Director
Dear Friends,
“The Ollie” as we are affectionately known, is near and dear to my heart — I was an ‘Ollie Kid’ growing up in South Boston and today, my children are 5th generation Ollie participants. I know first hand that the programs and services we provide are critical to our community and to our families. Our outstanding staff is dedicated to fostering the personal growth of our participants in a supportive and nurturing environment. I believe that we make a difference in the lives of the people we serve each and every day.
As an organization, we are committed to seeking ways to engage our participants more deeply, serving our community more broadly, ensuring our children have what they need to succeed in school and in life and providing opportunities to all of our participants that will enrich their lives. We continue to work diligently and make careful and thoughtful decisions regarding the use of our valuable but often limited resources.
We are grateful to those who contribute to and support our mission, who share our values and believe in our work - our Board of Directors, our supporters and funders, our volunteers and our staff. Our continued success depends on those who believe in our mission, our staff, whose devotion and hard work is second to none and our donors, whose generosity enables us to continue our important work supporting family and neighborhood life in South Boston.
With sincere thanks,
Kathy Lafferty
Executive Director